Category Archives: News

What is MTD and how will it affect my business?

Making Tax Digital

What is MTD we hear you ask? No, it’s not “Month to Date”, “Metric Tonnes per Day” or even “Marine Technology Directorate”! We’re talking about Making Tax Digital.  The scheme was originally announced by HMRC in 2017, but it’s been years in the making (a bit like Avatar 2!).   What’s changing? MTD will require

Why we only work with limited companies

Why we only work with limited companies

Here at DNA, we don’t believe in spreading ourselves thin. We focus on what we’re good at, and on doing it really well, because our clients deserve thorough, dependable support. It’s for this reason we now only work with limited companies (they’re kind of our thing). With over 20 years experience in limited companies, we

What are the benefits of filing my tax return early?

Although the end of January is still a few weeks away, did you realise that filing your tax return sooner rather than later has a number of advantages? The one positive aspect of the tax return deadline is that it is always the same – January 31st. This means that with a little planning and

Planning on becoming self-employed? Do these five things first…


The simplicity of starting and operating your own business is one of the key advantages of working for yourself. Even when working for someone else, you might apply to become a sole trader, which is another word for self-employed, to see if you like it. Here are 5 things you must do when you decide

Bookkeeping Mistakes Every Small Business Owner Should Be Aware Of

bookkeeping mistakes

Bookkeeping is one of those tasks that is crucial to get right for any business, From start-ups to small businesses that have been running for years, the problem of doing it all yourself remains. Margins are often tight, meaning as the owner, you try to do as many administrative and day-to-day tasks as possible. Not

Corporation Tax – Changes are coming

corporation tax

Corporation Tax MUST be paid on the earnings of a limited company, Corporation Tax is not billed to you. To work out, pay, and submit your taxes, you must do certain things. In last year’s budget announcements (March and October 2021), the Chancellor announced a variety of company tax reforms, some of which are already

As a sole trader, how do I pay myself?


If you are a sole trader, you can simply take money from your business bank account to pay yourself as a sole trader (we strongly recommend that you use a separate business bank account for your sole trader finances). And you need to make sure that you keep a record of these drawings, along with

Do you NEED to complete a self-assessment tax return?

self assessment-tax-return

Although not everyone is required to file a self-assessment tax return, there are a few circumstances in which you may be compelled to do so, even if you are an employee who has tax taken at source from your salary. It’s crucial to be aware of scenarios where a tax return is required because HM