Category Archives: HMRC

What should your accountant check at Year-End?

year-end check

As the end of the financial year rolls around, it’s super important to make sure your business’s financial records are spot on. This is where your accountant steps in, performing a bunch of key checks to wrap up your accounts. These checks help prepare accurate financial statements and ensure your business stays compliant with the

What can I claim if I’m working from home?

home office, DNA, accountants,
Making a claim for Working from Home Can I claim tax relief for my goldfish, Bubbles, who keeps me company when I’m working from home? We have been asked some odd questions over the years, especially when it comes to claiming expenses of having a home office. Making a claim to your business for working

How long do I need to keep business invoices?


“How long do I need to keep business invoices?” This is a question that new sole traders and company directors often ask. Before we answer that question, we think it is probably more important to clarify just what invoices you need to keep! Keeping hold of invoices issued by your business is necessary for a

Flat Rate VAT has changed….

….Are you aware of the changes? The VAT Flat Rate Scheme simplifies businesses’ record keeping, and makes it easy to work out the VAT they have to pay. However as of 1st April 2017 the scheme changed, as announced by the Chancellor in his Autumn Statement last year. So, how does it work? Normally a

Self-Assessment Tax Return Mistakes and How to Avoid Them.


There are a number of common self-assesment / tax return mistakes that can hold things up (possibly leading to a penalty fee), cause you problems or even prompt HMRC to look more closely at you. So it’s best to be aware of them and make sure you don’t make them! The easiest way to avoid